Session & Deacons


In the Presbyterian tradition, elders are elected by the congregation to serve on the session, together with the pastor(s) of the church. The session is responsible for governing the congregation and guiding the spiritual life of the church, so that the congregation is and becomes, a community of faith, hope, love, and witness. Elders are ordained for life and serve at all levels of the Presbyterian Church. You may contact our Session at: or

  • Vivien H, Clerk of Session
  • Audrey Iwamura
  • Robert Wilmot
  • Emi Watts


Deacons specialize in the area of bereavement, grief support, memorials, visitations to friends at home who are elderly, ill, or in a difficult passage in their life, and for special prayers for healing, encouragement, and/or spiritual direction. Deacons are ordained to their office for life. You may contact our Deacons here:

  • Wendee Omi-Leong
  • Joyce Ogami
  • Steven Yee

Prayer Ministry: Prayer requests can be submitted on the communication cards found in the pews during Sunday worship services, by email to, or by calling the church office at (650) 344-6803. Confidential prayer requests can also be sent to  Prayer ministry team members are also available to pray with people after the 10:45 a.m. worship service on Sunday mornings or during the Wednesday morning prayer meetings at 10:00 a.m. in the Conference Room.