Adult Special Ed

Join us Sunday mornings for Adult Special Ed. Sunday School. Parents are welcome to join the class or worship in the sancuray.  Like our other Sunday morning classes, Adult Special Ed. will start out worshing in the sanctuary at 10:45 a.m. and then will leave together to continue worshiping in classroom 6 upstairs. More information on “where to go when” can be found in the Sunday bulletin. Special ed, particpates in all the Sunday School pagents, as well as having their own holiday traditions.

Started by a mom with a passion for connecting students of all ages and abilites to God, we seek to proive a safe and nutruing envioremnt where students can pray, learn about God and experince the joys of Chrstian community. If you would like to join or volunteer for this program please contact Sets Ogami at or call the church office at 650-344-6803.